Monday, 15 August 2011

Turbo Tango - Any good??

Having seen this drink on the shelves of superdrug over the weekend I was intrigued to see what all the fuss was about.  Introduced on a trial basis at first, and as part of a sponsorship deal with the new Inbetweeners movie Britvic will be looking to roll this out permanently in 2012 if all is good.

So, with great anticipation i paid the rather silly £1.60 asking price and took it home before trying it as i had no idea what to expect.

Standing on the tiled floor of my bathroom i removed the lid and re-read the instructions to be sure I had my technique dialled.  After all, what could go wrong?  I would soon find out.

Upon giving it a good squirt into my north, it felt nice and tingly, a bit like that popping candy but much more subtle.  Another short squirt produced the same results.  My girlfriend keen to have a go experienced the same short lived elation until it was my go again.  Now it should be said that there was plenty of Tango left in the container at this stage.

Another squirt left me with a shirt that needed soaking as the propellent had just about vanished. aiming it at my mouth actually aimed it right down the front of my t-shirt.  I expect more than this for £1.60!

For something that started so well i was left disappointed to say the least.  A good friend has also had the same experience with Turbo Tango. I feel that Britvic deserve props for thinking outside the box, however i feel they should have concentrated on bringing back blackcurrent Tango.

Has anyone else tried turbo tango and had a better experience?!